resume | skills | awards | pörtföliö | cöntact me RESUME


Use my skills and experience, become part of a team, learn, develop and excel.


Creative Manager Rebel Crew Films 2006 - 3 Month Project

Worked closely with Jay Rifkin to produce digital media for various companies under the Digicorp umbrella. Managed projects ranging from web development and search engine optimization to interent radio and latino dvd distribution.

Creative/Marketing Director Spectore Corporation 2003 to Present

Created a very successful brand strategy, industry and consumer ad campaigns, web site with robust online ordering and store management capabilities, display programs, and multiple brand identities primarily Edward Mirell.

Graphic Design Manager Cabbola Ltd. Hinckley, UK 2000 to 2003

Project and creative management. Cabbola branding, marketing and promotion. Regularly completed projects for: Pepsi Co. Rolls Royce, Walkers Crisps, Royal Mail.

Large and varied freelance experience.


Restless Farewell (16mm Film) - Line Producer
Crystal Reel Awards (TV) - Editor
It Came From Uranus, Too (16mm Film) - Editor
Dunsmore (35mm Feature) - Art Director.
Plug In Magazine (TV) - Editor (Avid)
Course Of Action (35mm Short) - Prod. Designer, Editor, writer
Destiny (16mm Film) Editor, Writer, Prod. Designer.
The Chosen (Digital Film) - Writer, Producer, Director, Editor


Web design and multimedia. (DEV) (DEV)

I have the necessary experience to produce/manage the creation of DVD’s and interactive CD-ROMs.

Print & Graphic Design.

Branding, national and regional advertising campaigns, mail, web and e-mail advertising, graphic design, layout, My other experiences include posters, billboards, menus, postcards & flyers.


I have television and film production experience from writing through to post production. I am an avid and capable photographer on both film and digital formats. I am experienced in web and print based design having skills and experience in all leading software packages.


Graphic Production Software

  • Adobe Photoshop CS2
  • Adobe Illustrator CS2
  • Adobe In design CS2
  • Adobe Acrobat 7
  • Vue d' Esprit (Limited experience)
  • Xara Studio
  • Rhino 3
  • Microsoft Visio 2003

Editing Software/Hardware

  • Avid Symphony/9000/Express/Epress DV 3.5
  • Final Cut Pro 5 HD
  • Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5
  • Adobe After FX 6.5
  • Sony Vegas Video 6
  • Sony DVD Architect 3
  • Pinnacle Edition DV
  • Adobe Encore DVD 1.5
  • Pinnacle Studio 8
  • Quantel Edit/Paint Box (Limited experience)

Production Software

  • Movie Magic Screenwriter
  • Movie Magic Scheduling
  • Dramatica Pro
  • Final Draft

Interactive & Web design Software

  • Macromedia Director MX 2004
  • Macromedia Flash MX 2004
  • Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004
  • Macromedia Fireworks MX
  • Adobe Golive CS

Audio Software

  • Sony Sound Forge 8
  • Sony Acid 5
  • Adobe Audition 1.5
  • Sony CD Architect 5

Other Software

  • Group Mail
  • Symatntec Win Fax 10
  • Microsoft Navision Attain
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Outook
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Project
  • Microsoft Entourage
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • Macromedia Captivate

I am experienced in both Macintosh and Windows based operating systems and have set up and administered networks on Windows based systems.


2000 – 2001 Full Sail Real World Education Winter Park, FL

Associate of Science Degree in Film and Video production. Graduated 97.3% GPA

1999—2000 Business Studies Warwick University, UK

Completed condensed degree course at Warwick University.
It included: What makes a company successful, Strategy and business planning, Seven habits of highly effective people, Measuring performance, Marketing 1& 2, Issues in management, Finance, Planning for profit, Management style, Psychology of success, Options and the way forward.

1997 - 1999 John Cleveland College Hinckley, UK

Received ‘Advanced’ (A) Levels for:
Business Studies; Design and Technology; Physics.

1995 – 1997 John Cleveland College Hinckley, UK

Received General certificates of education for:
Business studies; English; English Literature; Math; Chemistry; Biology; Physics; Geography; Religious Education; Information Technology.


Crystal Reel Awards for the 35mm Film Course of Action:

Best Art Direction
Best Costume Design
Best Special Effects

Full Sail Real World Education Awards:

Course Director Awards:
Media Arts, Behavioral Science, Multimedia Production, 16mm Film Production, 35mm Film Production and Post Production

Outstanding achievement award
Perfect 100% Attendance Award.


In this order:
Movies, Home Theatre, Computers, Interior Design, Writing, Basketball & Racquet Ball.

NOTE: I have tried to keep this resume is as concise as possible. If you require more depth I will provide it. I also have incredible references and can show a portfolio of past work and projects should they be required.